If you've shopped for a mobile printer anytime in the last few years–a printer you can carry in a pocket and use to make snaps from your phone–you've probably run across an HP Sprocket model. Most of the Sprockets are diminutive gadgets that let you print to special paper, no ink required, known as Zink, for Zero Ink. They're great if you want to print a one-off, quick little wallet-size for a special occasion (say, an impromptu meeting with friends or family).
But what if you have a lot of friends and family gathered? That little Sprocket printer is going to be working overtime and overwhelmed. To that end, HP has introduced the Sprocket Photobooth, a desktop Sprocket model with a built-in camera, a supplemental flash and “ring”-style lighting, and the ability to apply frames and filters right in the device and then print snaps. You no longer need a smartphone or a computer to print from, and this model will hold a lot more paper.