If I had known the instant Polaroid camera I got for Christmas one year would be worth what it is today, I would’ve definitely not thrown it into the Goodwill box once my first mobile phone was capable of taking pictures. Never in my wildest would I have ever thought people would hang up instant print pictures like actual room décor, either.
To be honest, the pictures were never that great because the person taking the photo moves or gets distracted, so you end up with a blurry image anyway. But with these updated instant cameras, which are no longer exclusive to Polaroid, you can check your makeup in the selfie mirror and have options to reprint the image for all your besties. And, even better than all that, they’re super cute, come in fun colors and are small enough to fit in your pocket, letting your camera go wherever you go.
The cost of instant cameras runs the gamut, but we’ve rounded up some of the best ones you won’t have to shell out your life’s savings to afford — and all are under $100.